We offer free advice and counselling sessions at the Mosque
This ranges from :
legal matters affecting individual Muslims;
immigration support;
spiritual counselling and supplications for people faced with social problems of various kinds.
This is achieved through our skilled and experienced scholars who have successfully served the community to date.
The association also provides welfare projects for the benefits of the Elders Group, children's pre-school playgroups and supplementary education classes.
Regular social outings are arranged on certain months of the year for elders to chosen areas of their choice.
If you are in need of a counsellor please contact us at secretariat@manuk.org
Alternatively, contact them direct at any of the following numbers:
Dr Imran Alawiye - 02085750430
Prof. Mashood Baderin - 07947251731
Chief Imam Tajudeen Salami - 07956962195
Deputy Imam Kazeem Fatai - 07932405792